The African American Student Union (TAASU) looked to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to create the “I Have a Vision” vision board event last week in the Multicultural Student Affairs office.
A vision board is a collection of pictures or written positive affirmations depicting what one wishes to accomplish. Many people use them as a source of inspiration and future goal planning.
With the semester kicking off, Brandy Williams, TAASU’s president, thought it would be a good idea to get UMKC’s students inspired and thinking about the future.
“Dr. Martin Luther King started with a dream. He started with a vision, and that’s how we feel students should start off, with a vision to fulfill our dreams,” said Williams.
At the event, art supplies and magazines were supplied so students could get their dreams on paper. The atmosphere was positive and welcoming, creating a space where students could relax and chat about future aspirations.
Lanisha Stevens is a freshman psychology major with many goals she wishes to achieve.
“I want my vision board to help motivate me. I have to see my goals visually. I hope it helps me stay focused,” said Stevens.
Vision boards have become quite popular among some people in the last few years. They are typically enjoyed by those who believe in the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is a New Thought philosophy that believes positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. With vision boards, you express the positive things you want in life with the hope of them coming true.
“This is a really cool event to brainstorm about what you want for this semester, what you want for the future, and to let your creative side out,” Williams said.