Director of “Oppenheimer,” (2023) Christopher Nolan won his first two Golden Globes after over 20 years in the entertainment industry.
Nolan received the awards for Best Director for a Motion Picture and his film won the award for Best Drama Motion Picture.
In the span of 24 years, Nolan has directed 12 films with nearly all being acclaimed by viewers and critics. However, until now, he hasn’t won any major awards for his work.
“I do feel that it’s about time,” said film studies student, Jackson Brink. “[Nolan’s] groundbreaking accomplishment that is “Oppenheimer” is so well worth the win.”
On Jan. 23, “Oppenheimer” received 13 Oscar nominations, the most of any film this year.
“I thought that the marketing for the film was a really good move, especially with Barbenheimer,” said UMKC Film Studies Professor Mitch Brian, “It’s important that people remember that movies can be events nowadays.”
BBC News claims that the film is predicted to win many of the categories it’s nominated for at the 2024 Oscars on March 10, most notably the category for Best Picture.