The Goldenberg Duo graced UMKC with a magical piano and violin performance. The brother and sister duo showcased their talents on March 21 at the Diastole Scholars’ Center.
As they played, Dr. William Goldenberg mesmerized the audience with his piano skills and his sister, Susan Goldenberg, captivated them with her violin.
The UMKC Department of World Languages and Culture and UMKC Global Language Club worked to ensure that the community and UMKC students could enjoy the performers’ show free of charge.
“I’ve always loved classical music,” said sophomore Lila Crum-Barnhill. “I think it’s a great opportunity to go out and hear some new stuff.”
William has performed as a piano soloist in countries all over the world and teaches at universities internationally.
Susan has co-founded several symphonies around the world, volunteering to play for visually impaired children during her summers.
The Goldenberg Duo explained they felt comfortable at the Diastole Scholars’ Center because it is like playing in a living room.
“I’m with my brother, so I always feel comfortable,” Goldenberg said. “He’s not an accompanist. We’re both the same.
For this performance, the duo decided to highlight pieces from African-American composers, emphasizing the importance that Black artists have played in American music. The Goldenberg Duo also showcased pieces from Asia, France and other parts of the world.
Francis Gatdula, a senior, expressed that he enjoyed the performance.
“It’s a nice small space, it’s chamber music, you don’t have to pay, you just have to come up here,” senior Francis Gatdula said. “The music is high quality… It’s great stuff.”