Lucas Campbell
"beautiful downtown vibes Wednesday afternoon" is one student's Spotify daylist.
Student’s enjoy the creativity of Spotify’s AI-generated “Daylist” feature and don’t mind the monitoring of their music preferences.
Spotify released its new addition in September, however now in mid-January, it’s gaining traction online due to its unique AI-naming system.
“Standing on Business Battle Royale Friday,” is one of the names generated for UMKC Student Abi Sivaraman.
“I like that it has random moods and that I never know what to expect,” said Sivaraman. “With Spotify, I don’t take it super seriously and I think it’s just a fun way to give you new music.”
The Daylist feature provides different vibes which are created by mixing the kinds of music and niche genres you usually enjoy at certain times of the day or on specific days of the week.
Another “Daylist” name is, “Country Love Song Coastal Cowgirl Morning,” from second year law student Addison Haynes.
With the growing presence of AI, students are mostly jumping on board with it.
“Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions on AI, but for the use in Spotify I absolutely adore it,” Haynes said. “Without them giving me new suggestions, I feel that it would be harder for me to find new music that I do like and listen to.”
However, the new feature has raised some questions about the motives behind the use of AI and the impacts on pop culture.
“Spotify would be a good aspect,” said elementary education major, Liliannae Primeaux. “But a bad aspect would be how the Taylor Swift AI nude pictures got out recently.”
As Spotify’s AI-generated “Daylist” feature gains popularity among students, it underscores the balance between enjoyment of innovative music curation and concerns about the broader implications of AI integration in popular culture.