Dear Reader,
I’m due to get out of here in December, and boy has it been a long road. I remember the first day of college for me. I thought I was grown. Little did I know I really was!
I was buying toothpaste, toilet tissue, feeding myself, making all of my own decisions, going to all the parties and just doing whatever. I went to class, but at the time, that wasn’t what was most important to me.
Hell, I guess I wasn’t as grown as I thought because not too long after, I had to bring myself right back home. Man, I felt like a failure. All my family and friends kept asking me questions about what happened to my schooling and when was I going back. I kept telling them, ‘I’ll be back next semester.’
That turned into a year, which turned into years. Now I’m 67 and just now graduating with my bachelors—actually I’m 30, but that’s how old I feel!
I wasted so much time trying to chase life instead of having life chase me. I worked dead-end jobs thinking I was doing something when I really wasn’t. No, college isn’t for everybody, but when it’s for you, it’s for you!
My point is, don’t waste your time doing something you know you have to do to fulfill your dream. Not only do you waste your time, but you waste money and your effort. And I’m not sure about you, but I have none of those whatsoever to lose or waste.
No, your journey won’t be perfect. Yes, you will lose people and things along the way. But once you get to that point, to what you worked so hard for, you’ll know that everything you did made you who you are and made that long rough and tough journey worthwhile.
My Moma always told me, “What don’t kill you makes you stronger.”
So, whatever you’re going through, keep going.
Whatever is hurting you, keep living.
Whatever you’re dreaming, dream on.
I wish you nothing but success.
Understand it may not come right now, but if you stay persistent and determined, it will come. Along the way you will fall, but just get back up again. And if you made it through without all these hiccups, kudos to you because as you can see, I didn’t. I’m not mad about it, I’m not sad about it, I kicked it along the way!
And If I could leave you with one thing, it would be to never give up! Even if you feel 67 like me!
Signed, the procrastinator, the tardy student, the old lady in the class, the broke girl with the broke family, the girl who finally did it,Brit!
If you’re a Roo with words of encouragement or advice you’d like to share, email A&E Editor Clarate Heckler at ceh6y6@mail.umkc.edu to get started writing your own letter. Letters may remain anonymous upon request.